"Joyful Noel Tidings" - Elegant Piano Arrangements for the Christmas Season


A highly creative and useful collection of favorite carol arrangements, each setting is just the right length and easy to play…while offering truly fresh and exciting perspectives on beloved carols.  Titles include Watchmen, Tell Us of the Night, How Fair and Bright the Star, Sing We Now of the Christ Child, Come to Thee, O Israel, Then Sang the Angels, What Child Is This?, A Festive Celebration, A Manger Lullaby, Jesus, Oh, What a Wonderful Child, andUpon a Silent Night.   

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"Walkin' in the Spirit" 10 Spirituals for Solo Piano
"Now Proclaim Messiah's Birth" Christmas Impressions for the Piano Soloist
"Good News" - 10 Spirituals for Solo Piano
"Just As I Am" Piano Book of Hymns
"Portraits of the Passion" solo piano arrangements for Lent and Holy Week